I am going to the valley this weekend to visit my parents, and hopefully get a quick trip into the beach. I have been having horrible migraines recently, so hopefully this is just what I need to relax the mind! :-) Yesterday's crossfit was a great class:
Ring Dips
Met Con
50 Sit Ups
1 Mile Run
50 Sit Ups
Time 14:07
Sorry its a short post, need to make it to the gym real quick before I have to start getting ready for my flight home!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Yesterday's work out was pretty good, except I got a migraine during class, no fun!
5-5-5-5-5 (135#) could have done more but my hands are so tore up!
Met Con
Double Unders (single unders 90-60-30)
Wall Shots (12# ball this time!)
Box Jumps (still on the 18" box)
Heres me doing rows from the other day!
5-5-5-5-5 (135#) could have done more but my hands are so tore up!
Met Con
Double Unders (single unders 90-60-30)
Wall Shots (12# ball this time!)
Box Jumps (still on the 18" box)
Heres me doing rows from the other day!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Mid Week Wrap Up
Nothing really interesting has gone on this week, so thats why there are no posts! Here is a recap of the workouts I did:
Pull Ups
Snatch Balance
Met Con
200M OH Walk M 65/W45
3 Rounds
10 OH Squats M65/W45
15 Ring Push Ups
200m OH Walk
Saturday and Sunday just ran/walked 3 miles
400 m Run
21 KB Swings
15 Box Jumps
9 Burpees
This workout was brutal! the heat and humidity at 4:30 was so bad. I didnt think I was going to finish. On my 4th run my face was beet red and I was having trouble breathing. But I finished it, finally, in 34:21
Row 750 m10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Pull Ups
Snatch Balance
Met Con
200M OH Walk M 65/W45
3 Rounds
10 OH Squats M65/W45
15 Ring Push Ups
200m OH Walk
Saturday and Sunday just ran/walked 3 miles
5 Rounds400 m Run
21 KB Swings
15 Box Jumps
9 Burpees
This workout was brutal! the heat and humidity at 4:30 was so bad. I didnt think I was going to finish. On my 4th run my face was beet red and I was having trouble breathing. But I finished it, finally, in 34:21
Friday, April 23, 2010
Boiled beef and broccoli
Decided to not go to crossfit yesterday, was not in the mood to sprint, so we went to Memorial park instead and did the 3 mile loop. It was a nice relaxing day of working out, and I think I worked out some of the pain in my quads. Woke up this morning, went to the gym and did 20 minutes on the stairmaster, its the first time I have used that machine in many many years! Then I did some legs, not much since crossfit tonight is going to be killer, but I'm trying to tone up extra fast since we have Vegas in 2 months. Last night I made boiled fajitas, well I added some chicken broth to the meat and let it simmer for about 45 minutes, and then added the broccoli at the end. This is the left overs after we ate :-)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Legs hurt so bad, I can barely walk
Yesterday we did "Cindy" in crossfit. We did it last month, and now it was time to see how much we improved.
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Last time: 8 rounds, with ring pullups.
Current: 11 rounds, pullups with blue bands
I want to be able to do the pullups on my own, hopefully soon!!!
I also ran 3 miles after class, very, very, very slowly!
Also, the comments should be up and running again! Thanks to Tricia and Kate who let me know they werent allowed to post!
Here is today's lunch. Red snapper with spaghetti squash
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Last time: 8 rounds, with ring pullups.
Current: 11 rounds, pullups with blue bands
I want to be able to do the pullups on my own, hopefully soon!!!
I also ran 3 miles after class, very, very, very slowly!
Also, the comments should be up and running again! Thanks to Tricia and Kate who let me know they werent allowed to post!
Here is today's lunch. Red snapper with spaghetti squash
This is how I feel most of the time when eating my oatmeal haha! Thanks Nathan!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Oatmeal and egg whites
I'm kind of getting sick of eating oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast. Think I have to start making them into the oatmeal and egg white pancakes again for something new. I am loving the banana protein muffins though. I normally dont like banana in stuff, but instead of 6 tbsp of sugar free apricot jam, I am putting in 1 tbsp of apple butter, it makes all the difference in the world! So Yummy!!!
Yesterday's Crossfit:
Front Squat
3-3-3 (85#)
Met Con
3 Rounds
200 m Sprint
10 Knees to Elbow
25 Push Press (35#)
time: 13:01
Yesterday's Crossfit:
Front Squat
3-3-3 (85#)
Met Con
3 Rounds
200 m Sprint
10 Knees to Elbow
25 Push Press (35#)
time: 13:01
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Squats squats and more squats!
Yesterdays crossfit was called "karen". I had done Karen back on March 11, and it took me 11:47. Yesterday's Karen took me 9:45! Woo-hoo! Maybe I am improving! Karen consists of squating 150 times onto a medicine ball, while throwing a 10# (for me) medicine ball up onto a line on the wall while you are coming up from your squat. Needless to say your legs are like jello when you are done!
I made spaghetti squash with ground chicken and a spicy tomotos for lunch and dinner yesterday. It was yummy! Forgot to take a pic though, next time!
Here is your pic of the week of Nathan! Bath time!
I made spaghetti squash with ground chicken and a spicy tomotos for lunch and dinner yesterday. It was yummy! Forgot to take a pic though, next time!
Here is your pic of the week of Nathan! Bath time!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Weekend food round up!
First I will let you know what Friday's crossfit workout was.
Weighted Ring Dips (I didnt do weighted dips, I did them with a light blue small band)
Met Con
AMRAP in 10 min
5 HSPU (I attempted to do them, got down about an inch each time, so I would attempt to do that for 25 seconds at a time)
10 Russian KB Swing Each Arm (15# could have done way more weight)
Saturday I did no workout! Sunday I ran 3 miles.
Here is the meals that we ate this weekend. First Therese and I went to Tan Tan, so yummy!
Weighted Ring Dips (I didnt do weighted dips, I did them with a light blue small band)
Met Con
AMRAP in 10 min
5 HSPU (I attempted to do them, got down about an inch each time, so I would attempt to do that for 25 seconds at a time)
10 Russian KB Swing Each Arm (15# could have done way more weight)
Saturday I did no workout! Sunday I ran 3 miles.
Here is the meals that we ate this weekend. First Therese and I went to Tan Tan, so yummy!
Egg and rice cake
Spring rolls
Beef soup, wasnt very good
Then Therese, Kate and I met up at Benjy's for dinner Saturday night. Always a good choice!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Its Friday
New Nathan photo of the week! I dont have photos of Joshua on a regular basis because my brother isnt good about sending me pics!
Yesterday's crossfit workout was brutal! I seriously didnt think I was going to finish.
5oo M Row Time Trial
Deadlift 115#
Wall Shots 8#
My hands are so tore up from the weights, but it felt good to finish! Went and had crawfish for the first time in several weeks afterwords. So yummy! Except when the spices dripped down into the tear that I just got on my hand OUCH!
Yesterday's crossfit workout was brutal! I seriously didnt think I was going to finish.
5oo M Row Time Trial
Deadlift 115#
Wall Shots 8#
My hands are so tore up from the weights, but it felt good to finish! Went and had crawfish for the first time in several weeks afterwords. So yummy! Except when the spices dripped down into the tear that I just got on my hand OUCH!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Another rainy day in Houston
I woke up ready to get my run on, and of course it was raining. So I waited about an hour for it to stop, went to Memorial park where it promptly decided to downpour on me! I decided to suck it up and run in the rain. It was so gross and humid, this is me after only 3 miles of running/walking. So sweaty and gross from the humidity!!
Heres yesterday's crossfit workout
Push Press
Met Con
3 Rounds
30 DU’s (90 single unders)
15 Pull Ups
Time 8:52
Just booked a trip to Vegas in July, that gives me a little over two months to get into bikini body shape! Have to do two-a-days until then!
Heres yesterday's crossfit workout
Push Press
Met Con
3 Rounds
30 DU’s (90 single unders)
15 Pull Ups
Time 8:52
Just booked a trip to Vegas in July, that gives me a little over two months to get into bikini body shape! Have to do two-a-days until then!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Deadliest Fast Food Meals
I saw this article yesterday and had to pass it on. Its 41 of the deadliest fast foods, and I think I have tried most of them! Deadly foods
Yesterday's workout was pretty tough. We started out with a half mile run, Greg slipped on the uneven cement and ended up twisting his knee so he had to sit the workout out. Sucks because he really wanted to do the workout :-(
Run 800 m
21 front squats 30#kb
9 Box Jumps
15 front Squats
15 Box Jumps
9 front Squats
21 Box Jumps
Run 800 m
Time: 16:36
Not bad considering I was doing a job/shuffle on the last half mile we had to run. Heres me doing my first ever non assisted hand stand from a few weeks ago!
I saw this article yesterday and had to pass it on. Its 41 of the deadliest fast foods, and I think I have tried most of them! Deadly foods
Yesterday's workout was pretty tough. We started out with a half mile run, Greg slipped on the uneven cement and ended up twisting his knee so he had to sit the workout out. Sucks because he really wanted to do the workout :-(
Run 800 m
21 front squats 30#kb
9 Box Jumps
15 front Squats
15 Box Jumps
9 front Squats
21 Box Jumps
Run 800 m
Time: 16:36
Not bad considering I was doing a job/shuffle on the last half mile we had to run. Heres me doing my first ever non assisted hand stand from a few weeks ago!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday's 5K and Friday's workout
Sunday I met up with Nicole from Crossfit to run the Run for the Rose 5k. I was still not feeling 100% better, still super congested, so I ended up walking part of it and not getting a good time. Oh well, it wasnt a timed a race so its cool. Heres our pre-race pic with our team sponsor.
I did Fridays crossfit workout in my regular gym, 24 hour fitness, since we were going out Friday night, and I wanted to make sure I had time to shower and change before we met up with our friends. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Well if the gym would allow me to take free weights to the ab area then I wouldnt have been running around the gym like a crazy person! :-)
50 Double Unders (150 singles)
50 Sit Ups
Run 400m
21 KB Swings (25lb)
12 Pull Ups (12 push ups, no bands available at gym)
Run 400 m
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Shots (8 lb med ball)
50 Double Unders (150 singles)
50 Sit Ups
Took over 20 minutes since I was running around trying to find the equipment I needed.
I did Fridays crossfit workout in my regular gym, 24 hour fitness, since we were going out Friday night, and I wanted to make sure I had time to shower and change before we met up with our friends. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Well if the gym would allow me to take free weights to the ab area then I wouldnt have been running around the gym like a crazy person! :-)
50 Double Unders (150 singles)
50 Sit Ups
Run 400m
21 KB Swings (25lb)
12 Pull Ups (12 push ups, no bands available at gym)
Run 400 m
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Shots (8 lb med ball)
50 Double Unders (150 singles)
50 Sit Ups
Took over 20 minutes since I was running around trying to find the equipment I needed.
Friday, April 9, 2010
And the results are.....
Well in the past 2.5 weeks, even with going to NY and gorging myself on fatty foods....
I lost 5 lbs and 3% body fat!!!! Yeah!!! Hopefully the next two weeks I'll have similar results!
I lost 5 lbs and 3% body fat!!!! Yeah!!! Hopefully the next two weeks I'll have similar results!
Weigh-in day
I meet with my nutritionist this morning at 9 am for my 2.5 week weigh in! So yesterday I made sure to go extra hard in crossfit, which was touch considering I can still barely breath out of my nose!
Shoulder Press
1-1-1 (55#)
Push Press
3-3-3 (60#)
Push Jerk
5-5-5 (65#)
Met Con
3 Rounds
20 DB Squat Cleans (15#)
20 Burpees
I thought the last 10 burpees were going to kill me! Luckily I had a good group at class that were cheering me on to finish. Not sure if I am doing tonight's workout yet, its really tough and we are meeting up with friends for bowling later so I dont want to be too tired. If I dont I will do it on Sunday at open gym after my 5k.
Without further ado, here is more of the treats and eat from New York!
Saturday Morning Brunch at August. All sorts of cast iron roasted egg dishes, and a side of mac and cheese :-)
Shoulder Press
1-1-1 (55#)
Push Press
3-3-3 (60#)
Push Jerk
5-5-5 (65#)
Met Con
3 Rounds
20 DB Squat Cleans (15#)
20 Burpees
I thought the last 10 burpees were going to kill me! Luckily I had a good group at class that were cheering me on to finish. Not sure if I am doing tonight's workout yet, its really tough and we are meeting up with friends for bowling later so I dont want to be too tired. If I dont I will do it on Sunday at open gym after my 5k.
Without further ado, here is more of the treats and eat from New York!
Saturday Morning Brunch at August. All sorts of cast iron roasted egg dishes, and a side of mac and cheese :-)
Then we stopped at this stand on the street that was selling miniature stuffed cupcakes. They were so good! We ate them all in about 5 minutes!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
People of the post office....
I think that I need to start up a people of the post office.com, similar to people of walmart.com I was in there this morning and of course its ALWAYS a 30 minute long line, and there were some interesting looking people there. My favorite was a man in a mesh cowboy hat, and I love mom t-shirt and flip flops. So trendy! haha
Ok so yesterday was my first day back to Crossfit since last wednesday! Yes a whole week! So the workout was extra brutal on me. I am still a bit sick and congested so my energy level isnt where it should be. Here is the workout:
400 M Weighted Carry (25lbs)
5 Rounds
10 OH Walking Lunge Steps (20lbs)
30 KB Swings (25lbs)
At the end of that workout we then grabbed a sledge hammer and wacked a giant tire, 15 times on each side for two sets. Needless to say when I got home I couldnt lift my arms they were so week!
I have my weigh in with the nutritionist tomorrow, so lets hope I lost at least a little bit of weight, though all of the eating in New York set me back a good two weeks :-) And speaking of eating, here is Fridays Lunch and Dinner as promised!
Ok so yesterday was my first day back to Crossfit since last wednesday! Yes a whole week! So the workout was extra brutal on me. I am still a bit sick and congested so my energy level isnt where it should be. Here is the workout:
400 M Weighted Carry (25lbs)
5 Rounds
10 OH Walking Lunge Steps (20lbs)
30 KB Swings (25lbs)
At the end of that workout we then grabbed a sledge hammer and wacked a giant tire, 15 times on each side for two sets. Needless to say when I got home I couldnt lift my arms they were so week!
I have my weigh in with the nutritionist tomorrow, so lets hope I lost at least a little bit of weight, though all of the eating in New York set me back a good two weeks :-) And speaking of eating, here is Fridays Lunch and Dinner as promised!
Crif Dogs! The BEST hotdogs in NY! On the left, jon jon deragon, hotdog with cream cheese, scallions and everything bagel seeds. This was sooo good we were tempted to take one for the road! On the right, spicy redneck - bacon wrapped, yes I said bacon wrapped hot dog with coleslaw, chili and jalepenos!
Chili cheese dog and tots
For dinner we went to a Korean restaurant. I love Korean food and I was not disappointed! I wont label the dishes because I dont even know what half of them are called :-)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Friday in New York
Ok so lets continue with our food journey through the city! We started off with 11:00 am brunch at Balthazar Restaurant and Bakery. Greg recommended the maple french toast so thats what I got. And it was delicious! It may not look like much, but I was full after the first piece and I made myself finish the second one because I knew I wouldnt be back there for a long while!
Therese go the eggs benedict
Then it was off to Magnolia Bakery! The cupcake was so good but SUPER sweet.
Then we stopped by a Japanese dessert place. They fly in all of the desserts on a daily basis, so they are super fresh! Therese had a cherry suspended inside of a cold gelatin.
Stay tuned for more food, one of my favorites will be first thing tomorrow...I'll give you a hint, its wrapped in BACON!
I obviously didnt go home for Easter this year since I was eating my way through New York city :-) My sister sent me pics of my nephews at my parents house, so here is Nathans first Easter and Josh's second!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Still Sick
I was hoping my throat would feel better so I could go to crossfit last night, it didnt, and today it is still sore so I made myself an appointment at the dr for this afternoon. Hopefully I'll get some good meds and I will be good to go! Since I have no workouts to report, here is Thursday's dinner at Locanda Verde. We started off with three appetizers:
Lamb Sliders
Fritto Misto - Mix of fried shrimp and clams
Burrata - with eggplant calabrese, dandelion and fried rosemary.
Main course 1: Artichoke ravioli
Main course 2: Goat Cheese Agnolotti with burro fuso, lemon and sun-dried calabrian peppers
Dessert 1: Maple Budino - candied pecans, apple butternut sorbetto
Dessert 2: Almond Coconut Semifreddo shaved pineapple, mango, mango pineapple sorbetto
More food to come in the next few days!
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