Saturday was the Bugaboo charity workout.
200 Thrusters (75#/45#)
Their story:
Time: 28:35
It was a very hard workout! When I woke up Sunday I wasnt sure I was going to be able to move to do open gym! But I did, and ended up doing two WODS.
15 min AMRAP
2 back squats 135#
21 KB swings 35#
Total rounds: 7
6 rounds of 75# Clean and press, hold the press while walking in a zig zag pattern, not sure of the distance, but it was tough, especially keeping that barbell ballanced when you went around the cones. Good core and delt workout!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Two PR's
I ended this work week with two new pr's! First we did power cleans. My old max was 85#. I made it to 105# today! I tried for 115 but I fell trying that much weight right on my butt in front of everyone. Very embarrassing! I was happy with my 20# pr though! Then I did some deadlifts. I haven't been able to hit my old pr in months so I really didn't want to do them. Fortunately I did. I got a new pr of 230#! 5# more than my old one! I'd say it was a great work out day!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Beef Jerky
We have made beef jerky several times now and it just keeps getting better and better! Here are a few images of it duirng the 6 hour process!
Skill: Ring pull ups (scaled = negatives) 3 x 5
Met Con: “Bear Problem”
5 rounds:
1 round bear complex (7 reps)50#
200m run
7 ring pushups
Time: 19:28
Met Con: “Bear Problem”
5 rounds:
1 round bear complex (7 reps)50#
200m run
7 ring pushups
Time: 19:28
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Just Running
I decided to just run yesterday, wasnt in the mood to do 150 slam balls, so I decided to give myself a rest and do some light running
Here is an update of pics from all of the deliciousness we ate at my moms birthday!
Carrot cake, red velvet cheesecake, reeses peanut butter cheesecake and chocolate fudge cake. Drool!!
Here is an update of pics from all of the deliciousness we ate at my moms birthday!
Scallop appetizer Sonya and I shared |
Mom's watermelon and heirloom tomato gazpacho Sonyas fish dish, trout I think Moms Salmon |
My Halibut wrapped in procuttio |
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Shoulder Work
Shoulder (strict) press 1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5
Met con: “Unfair Advantage”
5 Rounds:
10 uneven step ups (switch hands at 5)
100m uneven farmer’s carry (switch hands at 50m)
10 off-set push ups/off-set ring rows (switch sides at 5)
Time: 14:28
Shoulder (strict) press 1-1-1
Push press 3-3-3
Push jerk 5-5-5
Met con: “Unfair Advantage”
5 Rounds:
10 uneven step ups (switch hands at 5)
100m uneven farmer’s carry (switch hands at 50m)
10 off-set push ups/off-set ring rows (switch sides at 5)
Time: 14:28
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First day of work
So I started work yesterday after almost 10 months off! So far so good! This being Said I had orientation all day so I had to wait for the 6:30 pm crossfit class. I don't know if it was the rain storm or cooler weather that helped with my mile time but whatever it was I got a new pr!
1 mile timed run 9:58, new pr by 2:09
Met Con: “Name That Tune”
5 rounds:
20 kb swings (53#/35#)
5 hspu
Rx time: 10:07
1 mile timed run 9:58, new pr by 2:09
Met Con: “Name That Tune”
5 rounds:
20 kb swings (53#/35#)
5 hspu
Rx time: 10:07
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tuck Jumps
Skill: L-sit – 3 x :20
1,000m row for time 4:27 (8 second pr)
Met Con: ”P.E.”
Sit ups
Slam balls 15#
Double Unders (had to do tuck jumps to help me with my double unders. They are horrible! I suck at them! My time would have been so much faster if I did SU's)
time: 10:07
I'll have Saturday and sunday off since I'll be out of town stuffing my face full of cake and fatty food for my moms birthday!
1,000m row for time 4:27 (8 second pr)
Met Con: ”P.E.”
Sit ups
Slam balls 15#
Double Unders (had to do tuck jumps to help me with my double unders. They are horrible! I suck at them! My time would have been so much faster if I did SU's)
time: 10:07
I'll have Saturday and sunday off since I'll be out of town stuffing my face full of cake and fatty food for my moms birthday!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tabata This!
Strength: Squat clean 3 x 3 (for form, not heavy weight – 50% max)
65# for form
8 rounds each, 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. 1 minute rest between movements:
- Squat
- Row
- Pull ups
- Sit ups
- Push ups
Score = lowest # reps in each of the 8 intervals per movement, added together (calories on row).
Total score 77.
65# for form
8 rounds each, 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. 1 minute rest between movements:
- Squat
- Row
- Pull ups
- Sit ups
- Push ups
Score = lowest # reps in each of the 8 intervals per movement, added together (calories on row).
Total score 77.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
G Dog
Skill: Turkish get ups 3 x 3 each arm 25#
Met Con: “G Dog”
200m run
20 push press (75#/55#)
200m run
10 db squat clean (30#/20#)
200m run
30 double unders (90 singles)
200m run
10 db squat clean
200m run
20 push press
200m run
Rx time: 16:30
I need to work on my sprints!
Met Con: “G Dog”
200m run
20 push press (75#/55#)
200m run
10 db squat clean (30#/20#)
200m run
30 double unders (90 singles)
200m run
10 db squat clean
200m run
20 push press
200m run
Rx time: 16:30
I need to work on my sprints!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Baby Babara
Still no fixed computer so still no images or video :-(
Tuesdays WOD
“Baby Barbara”
3 rounds; mandatory 3 minute rest between rounds
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
Time: 30:38
That took me way too long! I couldn't get my pushups or squats to go quick enough. I also did 107# 100 m tire pulls before and after the WOD. Those are definitely quad burners!
Tuesdays WOD
“Baby Barbara”
3 rounds; mandatory 3 minute rest between rounds
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
Time: 30:38
That took me way too long! I couldn't get my pushups or squats to go quick enough. I also did 107# 100 m tire pulls before and after the WOD. Those are definitely quad burners!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Strength: OH Squats 3-3-3-3-3
500m row time trial 2:04 (4 seconds slower than last pr)
Met Con: “Quickie”
Wall shots 14#
time: 7:17
I really hate burpees! I feel like I do them soooo slow. Need to practice these. Among other things!
After party: 75 ab mat sit ups; 25 ab mat back extensions
500m row time trial 2:04 (4 seconds slower than last pr)
Met Con: “Quickie”
Wall shots 14#
time: 7:17
I really hate burpees! I feel like I do them soooo slow. Need to practice these. Among other things!
After party: 75 ab mat sit ups; 25 ab mat back extensions
Monday, August 16, 2010
Crossfit Katy Competition
My posts are going to be a but wimpy for a few days. My computer has a virus and I'm writing from my phone so no pics sorry!
Saturday was the crossfit Katy competition so I took that as a day off! We were out there cheering our team on! I decided to do the WODs on Sunday at open gym.
4 rounds
250 m row
12 16" box jumps
8 125# deadlifts
Time: 9:39
Clean and press 55#
25# 230 m sand bag run
Time: 11:01
That one was way to slow! I started waking w those sandbags. They were tough even though I train with 49#s!!
Saturday was the crossfit Katy competition so I took that as a day off! We were out there cheering our team on! I decided to do the WODs on Sunday at open gym.
4 rounds
250 m row
12 16" box jumps
8 125# deadlifts
Time: 9:39
Clean and press 55#
25# 230 m sand bag run
Time: 11:01
That one was way to slow! I started waking w those sandbags. They were tough even though I train with 49#s!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.
“Flash in the Pan”
500m row
50 sit ups
50 squats
50 single under jump rope
500m row
Then I spent about 15 minutes trying to get my first kipping pullup. Unfortunately I didn't get one. I got the movement down but didn't have any arm strength left to pull myself up. Oh well I'll get it next week!
5:45pm – Olympic Lifting
“CrossFit Totals” – the basics
3 attempts at your 1 rep max of:
Back Squat 135#
Strict Shoulder Press 70#
Deadlift 195#(so disappointed my max is 225)
Total: 390
Total = total of 3 movements’ determined 1 rep max
500m row
50 sit ups
50 squats
50 single under jump rope
500m row
Then I spent about 15 minutes trying to get my first kipping pullup. Unfortunately I didn't get one. I got the movement down but didn't have any arm strength left to pull myself up. Oh well I'll get it next week!
5:45pm – Olympic Lifting
“CrossFit Totals” – the basics
3 attempts at your 1 rep max of:
Back Squat 135#
Strict Shoulder Press 70#
Deadlift 195#(so disappointed my max is 225)
Total: 390
Total = total of 3 movements’ determined 1 rep max
Friday, August 13, 2010
Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do
Skill: 3 x 5 ring dips; 3 x 5 hspu
Met Con: “Space Odyssey”
5 rounds:
9 renegade rows (25#/15#)
11 box jump overs (20″/16″) (I did 12")
13 kb swings (53#/35#)
15 med ball/slam ball sit ups (20#/15#)
Time: 22:50
After party: 50 tire pounds (16#/10#), sled pulls (95# or greater)
Here are a couple of paelo meal pics from this week. The first is pretty simple, just some grilled fajita meat on a bed of spinach with a light homemade vinaigrette.
The second is some homemade salsa:
3 tomatoes, 1/4 cup onions, 2 jalapenos one of them de-seeded, a bunch of cilantro, dash of salt and lime juice. And of course some celery for the crunch instead of chips.
Met Con: “Space Odyssey”
5 rounds:
9 renegade rows (25#/15#)
11 box jump overs (20″/16″) (I did 12")
13 kb swings (53#/35#)
15 med ball/slam ball sit ups (20#/15#)
Time: 22:50
After party: 50 tire pounds (16#/10#), sled pulls (95# or greater)
Here are a couple of paelo meal pics from this week. The first is pretty simple, just some grilled fajita meat on a bed of spinach with a light homemade vinaigrette.
The second is some homemade salsa:
3 tomatoes, 1/4 cup onions, 2 jalapenos one of them de-seeded, a bunch of cilantro, dash of salt and lime juice. And of course some celery for the crunch instead of chips.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Box Jump Burpees
Two things I HATE, Burpees and Box jumps! Nicole I think I hate you after this one!
I warmed up with the sled, put 90# on it and ran with it for 3 rounds and then one final round at the end of my workout. That sled is no joke, my quads were on fire!
5 x 200m sprint – 3 naked, 2 w sand bags (49#)
Met Con: “Big B, Little B, What Begins with B?”
50 box jump burpees 20" box
Time: 10:33
Then…..3 minute bag box
Dont forget to donate to Fight Gone Bad
and for the Bugaboo workout
I warmed up with the sled, put 90# on it and ran with it for 3 rounds and then one final round at the end of my workout. That sled is no joke, my quads were on fire!
5 x 200m sprint – 3 naked, 2 w sand bags (49#)
Met Con: “Big B, Little B, What Begins with B?”
50 box jump burpees 20" box
Time: 10:33
Then…..3 minute bag box
Dont forget to donate to Fight Gone Bad
and for the Bugaboo workout
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
First Double Under!
Skill: 100 double unders for time
Nicole said that we werent going to start Jackie until I got my first double under. My thoughts were great, I'm going to be here for hours! Luckily it took only about 6 minutes. Nicole had me switch jump ropes to a shorter one, and voila, I was able to do my first double under! I did two of them actually! :-)
Met Con: “Jackie”
1,000m row (4:35)
50 thrusters 45#
30 pull ups
The first time I did this my total time was over 19 minutes. I did it this time with a thinner pull up band and it 18:59. I was so tired by the time I got to the pullups. I'm not blaming it on anything other than me not being at my full potential, but I didnt eat at all today and it was like 108 outside! So I think I did ok for those conditions.
Nicole said that we werent going to start Jackie until I got my first double under. My thoughts were great, I'm going to be here for hours! Luckily it took only about 6 minutes. Nicole had me switch jump ropes to a shorter one, and voila, I was able to do my first double under! I did two of them actually! :-)
Met Con: “Jackie”
1,000m row (4:35)
50 thrusters 45#
30 pull ups
The first time I did this my total time was over 19 minutes. I did it this time with a thinner pull up band and it 18:59. I was so tired by the time I got to the pullups. I'm not blaming it on anything other than me not being at my full potential, but I didnt eat at all today and it was like 108 outside! So I think I did ok for those conditions.
Rest day!
Monday was my first official rest day that I've taken in a while! I mean I've had days off because I was out of town, but this was an official, I'm spent, my muscles need a day off rest day. I did 11 workouts last week, 9 of them were WOD's and two of them were runs. Hopefully I'll have some renewed strength for this week!
Heres an article I found on Underground shack. It talks about the top 10 worst diet and nutrition mistakes people make.
Heres an article I found on Underground shack. It talks about the top 10 worst diet and nutrition mistakes people make.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Page
Here is my Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Page!
Fight Gone Bad Video
Here is the video of Crossfit1525 doing Fight Gone Bad.
Sunday we did open gym and did a WOD on our own. My back was still killing me, so I laid off the heavy weights. I did:
5 rounds
9 deadlifts
7 power cleans
5 push press
All at 55#. Yeah the 55# was really light, especially for the deadlift, but I could barely bend over, so I think it was good that I took it easy.
Sunday we did open gym and did a WOD on our own. My back was still killing me, so I laid off the heavy weights. I did:
5 rounds
9 deadlifts
7 power cleans
5 push press
All at 55#. Yeah the 55# was really light, especially for the deadlift, but I could barely bend over, so I think it was good that I took it easy.
Fight Gone Bad before and after pics. Thanks Nicole for the pics and video!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Fundraising WOD
Fundraising WOD – August 28, 2010


The owner of CrossFit Albuquerque lost two children to the disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy – the #1 genetic killer of children under the age of two. Last year, the CrossFit community decided to fight back against this disease. We will be participating this year in their 2nd annual fundraiser WOD “Bugaboo” on August 28th, along with other CrossFit affiliates around the world. Please help us bring awareness to this disease by donating to the web link below, tell your friends and family, and join us for the WOD.
Their story:
The name of the WOD is “Bugaboo” – the nick name of their son and second child to pass from SMA. He lived a glorious 200 days and in his honor, we will do this WOD: for time, 75#/45# thrusters, 200 reps.
The goal requested of each box is $200. PLEASE, PLEASE help us get to this number and exceed it. Click on the link below to donate. Make sure in the notes to put Crossfit 1525!
Fight Gone Bad 1
On Saturday we did Fight Gone Bad, and will do it again on September 25 along with all of the other crossfits. Hopefully I will get a better score in September! This was my first time of doing Fight Gone Bad at Rx!
3 rounds/1 minute break between rounds of:
Spend 1 minute at each of five stations:
Wall shots (Rx 20#/14#) (Modified 14#/8#) – for reps
SDHP (Rx 75#/55#) (Modified 55#/35#) – for reps
Box Jumps (Rx 20″) – for reps
Push Press (Rx 75#/55#) (M 55#/35#) – for reps
Row – for calories
Total reps: 209
Then, team Wod, 10 minutes of:
30# dumbbell farmers carry
5 push press, farmer carry back
Kb swings
20" box jumps
3 rounds/1 minute break between rounds of:
Spend 1 minute at each of five stations:
Wall shots (Rx 20#/14#) (Modified 14#/8#) – for reps
SDHP (Rx 75#/55#) (Modified 55#/35#) – for reps
Box Jumps (Rx 20″) – for reps
Push Press (Rx 75#/55#) (M 55#/35#) – for reps
Row – for calories
Total reps: 209
Then, team Wod, 10 minutes of:
30# dumbbell farmers carry
5 push press, farmer carry back
Kb swings
20" box jumps
Saturday, August 7, 2010
You will understand a year from now why you started today
Friday Workout:
150 single under jump rope
Sit ups
Box jumps 20"
150 single under jump rope
Time: 10:46
Then 50kb swings for time 35#, 3:13
Then deadlift weight camp. Only did 215#, couldnt hit my max yesterday. I guess it's like that some days.
150 single under jump rope
Sit ups
Box jumps 20"
150 single under jump rope
Time: 10:46
Then 50kb swings for time 35#, 3:13
Then deadlift weight camp. Only did 215#, couldnt hit my max yesterday. I guess it's like that some days.
Six Times a Week
Courtesy of:
“The men and women that decimate your times are not super-human.
What makes them different is not a gift, but an unreasonable desire
to push self-imposed suck beyond its logical limits.
What comes out the other side becomes Legendary.
Do yourself a favor and realize that there is
no technique in the world that will save you.
There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to Greatness.
You’ve got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck.
And then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.
And then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.
Six times a week…
Six times a week…”
“The men and women that decimate your times are not super-human.
What makes them different is not a gift, but an unreasonable desire
to push self-imposed suck beyond its logical limits.
What comes out the other side becomes Legendary.
Do yourself a favor and realize that there is
no technique in the world that will save you.
There are no pills, no secrets, no passwords on the path to Greatness.
You’ve got to embrace the pain, push the threshold, and feel the suck.
And then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.
And then you’ve got to muster the courage to go back six times a week.
Six times a week…
Six times a week…”
Friday, August 6, 2010
Never fear competition. Welcome it, embrace it , and then destroy it
Started off this morning at 5:30 am with a light workout of:
300 single unders
5x3 dips
20 sdhp
15 min walk around the neighborhood
I am not a good morning workout person, so this was a lot for me :-)
Then at 4:30 was this:
“Deck of Cards”
Hearts = push ups
Spades = hands free get-ups
Clubs = sdhp
Diamonds = kb push press
Jokers = lateral burpees
We did the whole deck, which comes out to 95 reps of each of the above movements. There were several cards that I totally skipped since we were doing this as a group and I fell behind in some of them, but I tried my best to keep up. I was totally wiped after this workout!
300 single unders
5x3 dips
20 sdhp
15 min walk around the neighborhood
I am not a good morning workout person, so this was a lot for me :-)
Then at 4:30 was this:
“Deck of Cards”
Hearts = push ups
Spades = hands free get-ups
Clubs = sdhp
Diamonds = kb push press
Jokers = lateral burpees
We did the whole deck, which comes out to 95 reps of each of the above movements. There were several cards that I totally skipped since we were doing this as a group and I fell behind in some of them, but I tried my best to keep up. I was totally wiped after this workout!
RDG & Bar Annie
Last night I had dinner with a couple of friends, Therese and Kate, at RDG & Bar Annie. We planned on having the restaurant week menu, but it turns out that my friend Kate used to work there and was friends with the chef, as well as everyone else in the restaurant! The restaurant week menu was then thrown to the side and chef Clinton made his recomendations. Out came the appetizers. (Sorry Nicole, I couldnt pass up chef recommended food!)
Bacon wrapped shrimp
Lobster meatballs & chips and queso
Then came out the main courses:
My flank steak
Kate's beef tar tar
Therese's roasted rib meat enchiladas
They were all delicious! They also brought out the coffee rubbed fillet but we ate it so fast I forgot to take a picture of it! Finally came the desserts. We were so stuffed that we really didnt want any, but Chef Clinton had already sent them out. You will be pleased to hear that ALL of the desserts were GLUTEN FREE! They were made with almond flour and whatever else deliciousness was baked into them!
Raspberry mouse with a chocolate cookie
Berry cheesecake and chocolate brownies.
Yes I will be doing double workouts today to work this meal off. Even though it wasn't as bad as it could have been!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pumpkin, sunflower and flax seed "crackers"
Nicole gave me this recipe via marks daily apple, but I couldnt find sesame seeds, so I switched it up a bit. It was super simple to do and super yummy for when you are craving something crisp and salty.
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup water
Put all 3 cups of seeds into a food processor, grind until they are a flour consistency, about 1-2 minutes. Add 1/4 cup water. Blend until it is a "dough" consistency. Then plop the dough onto a lightly oiled cookie sheet. Top the dough with another lightly oiled piece of parchment paper, roll out the dough. Once it is to the consistency you want, lightly score the dough into the sized pieces you prefer. Cook in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. (I topped mine with garlic powder and sea salt right before I baked them). Enjoy!
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup water
Put all 3 cups of seeds into a food processor, grind until they are a flour consistency, about 1-2 minutes. Add 1/4 cup water. Blend until it is a "dough" consistency. Then plop the dough onto a lightly oiled cookie sheet. Top the dough with another lightly oiled piece of parchment paper, roll out the dough. Once it is to the consistency you want, lightly score the dough into the sized pieces you prefer. Cook in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. (I topped mine with garlic powder and sea salt right before I baked them). Enjoy!
It's always the mind that fails first, never the body
It was a tough workout for me. After I completed my Push Jerks's my arms were like jello, so when it came time to do the hang clean and jerk, well yeah it took me forever!
Strength: Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
Met Con: “Packing Heat”
200m run
10 hang clean & jerk (95#/65#)
20 air squats
400m run
20 air squats
10 hang clean & jerk
200m run
Time 11:33
Then…30 toes to bar
Strength: Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
Met Con: “Packing Heat”
200m run
10 hang clean & jerk (95#/65#)
20 air squats
400m run
20 air squats
10 hang clean & jerk
200m run
Time 11:33
Then…30 toes to bar
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
Ran 2 miles and walked 1. It was so ridiculously HOT!
Strength: Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
WOD: “A Chip Off the Old Block”
500m row
400m run
30 tire pounds (16#/10#)
20 wall shots(20#/14#)
10 box jumps (24″ – both men&women)
Time 10:00
Strength: Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
WOD: “A Chip Off the Old Block”
500m row
400m run
30 tire pounds (16#/10#)
20 wall shots(20#/14#)
10 box jumps (24″ – both men&women)
Time 10:00
I am a CrossFit Woman.
I do not wear makeup to the gym. I wear chalk.
I do not get manicures. I scrub the calluses off my hands.
I do not glisten or smile while I’m working out. I sweat, grunt, and curse.
I am a CrossFit Woman.
I am as proud of my muscles as I am my scars.
They are evidence of my hard work and dedication.
I am a CrossFit Woman.
Student. Trainer. Coach.
Increased work capacity is my mission.
Elite fitness is my goal.
I am a CrossFit Woman.
I may scale a WOD, but I will never quit or give up.
I do what others won’t and excel where others can’t.
I am stronger mentally and physically because of it.
I am a CrossFit Woman.
I am invincible.
And you could be too.
Courtesy of
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Rules
The rules that we think should be implemented at Crossfit 1525 (courtesy of Underground shack)
- We know you are sore, so are we
- We don’t want to hear how tough the workout is
- We don’t want to hear how hot it is
- We don’t want to hear how cold it is
- We don’t care if it is raining, we can see it for ourselves
- We know you are sore, so are we
- We don’t want to hear how tough the workout is
- We don’t want to hear about your nagging “better half”
- We don’t want to hear about the knuckleheads at your job
Other gyms use machines…CROSSFIT builds them
Did a 3 mile run this morning, have 3 weeks until I start my new job, need to get my two-a-days in!
3 x 200m sprints
Double Under practice
3 x 200m sprints
Double Under practice
Met Con: “Mini McGhee”
AMRAP in 15:00
5 deadlifts (250#/155#)
13 push ups
9 box jumps (24″/20″)
Rounds: 5
Really need to learn to do a real pushup, the kipping pushups tire me out so quickly. This months goal is to do a real pushup and a kipping pullup!
AMRAP in 15:00
5 deadlifts (250#/155#)
13 push ups
9 box jumps (24″/20″)
Rounds: 5
Really need to learn to do a real pushup, the kipping pushups tire me out so quickly. This months goal is to do a real pushup and a kipping pullup!
Great Nike ad thats been making its way around the web!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Set your goals based not on what you know you can do. Set your goals based on what you're most passionate about.
I dont know if its Friday morning workouts or just morning workouts in general that make me not motivated. I get to class and I half do the warmup, walk around lazily, complain, walk around some more, complain some more lol! Luckily the workout this morning wasnt a brutal one. I needed the break!
KB swings 35# (I did all of my kb's unbroken!)
Wall shots 14#
Time 6:00
1000m row
KB swings 35# (I did all of my kb's unbroken!)
Wall shots 14#
Time 6:00
1000m row
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