Wednesday, December 8, 2010

50# kettle bell swings!

Yesterday's workout was a beast. 
AMRAP 15 min
10 sdhp 50#
15 kb swings 50#
20 goblet squats, I substituted 10 burpees since my knee was still hurting.
Total: 4 rounds and 15 kb swings

Courtesy of

Words matter. In the gym and out.

When you’re coaching someone, be careful with what you say.

They have failed at a lift. They are never a failure.

They have screwed something up. They are not a screw-up.

You can have a bad lift without being a bad lifter. Just like even if you’ve done a bad thing, it doesn’t make you a bad person . . . anymore than doing a good thing makes you a good person.

Life is cumulative. This moment is temporary. Remember that when you choose your words, and when you coach.

On the flip side, remember that also when you are BEING coached. Or dealing with anyone or anything in life. Take everything with the proverbial grain of salt. Hear exactly what was said. Pull what you can from the moment. Don’t heap your own old baggage on top of their words. Listen to exactly the advice offered. And move on.

Your burden will be way too heavy if you carry around extra sh**. Learn and press.

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