Wednesday, December 22, 2010

You get out of it what you put in

Yesterday we did "Nicole".  I wasnt looking forward to it since I still cant do unassisted pullups and my cardio is somewhat lacking.  I surprised myself with the fact that I ran all of my 400 m runs, even when I wanted to walk it, I pushed myself and ran.  And during the last two minutes, when I felt someone on my heels, I made myself sprint to the finish.  I managed to do 47 pullups with a thin blue band.  I felt strong on my pullups, I was able to put more force and effort into them than I have before.  So I know that if I keep trying, I will get my kipping pullups down!

AMRAP 20 min
400 m run
max pullups
Total 47

Photo courtesy of Rx star

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