Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chtristmas Shopping Day

So I woke up early to get a start on things, and first I called my beloved DMV to find out where my license is.  They informed me that I would have to come down and take another picture.  I politely asked them why I was not asked to do this when I just went re-down there last week.  They of course being the most intelligent people people said I dont know mam the last time I have you in our office is in 2005. ?!?!?  Really????  So now I have to waste another morning at the DMV. 

So I start out getting my shopping done this morning at the mall, then to Barnes and Noble and then Academy, then to my trainer for back, shoulders and glutes, you'll be able to bounce a quarter off of these soon haha!  Then I did 30 minutes on the Arc.  I then proceeded to go back to a different Barnes and Noble because the first one was out of what I needed, then to Franklin Covey, where I was informed that the item I wanted was defective and they would not be making it anymore!  Back to the drawing board!  I got home in time to see Greg leaving to his training session, and to be informed that we would be going back to the mall when he gets done....the whole point of shopping during the day is to avoid the after work crowd, duh!  I still have 50 million things to buy, some of them will wait until I am home, I fly out Friday!  My mom took the whole week off to spend time with me!  :-) At least thats what I would like to believe.

Yesterdays meals:

9:30 - oatmeal with blackberries
11:30 - beef jerky (i was informed it was ok if I did this just this once, too much sodium in it)
2:00 - chicken tomato soup
5:00 - grilled chicken, 1/4 cup brown rice, mixture of steamed mustard greens and spinach
7:30 - 4 oz yogurt

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