Monday, September 13, 2010

Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated

I have several workouts to catch up on since I didnt blog this weekend!  Friday was back squat form day for me.  I have a problem breaking the plane.  I dont know if its that I'm nervous I'll get stuck at the bottom or if its becasue I actually cant push myself back up.  I got up to 135, I should be able to do way more than that.  I just have to keep practicing!
My husband sent me this pic this morning, its exactally how I feel! (but in a female version) :-)

Saturday Was the Lululemon star spangled event.  It was a fun wod for everyone in the community to come out and do.  The WOD was:
5 min AMRAP's
30 single unders
15 situps
10 pushups
(4 rounds + 15 sit-ups)
1 min rest
20 squats
15 sit up twists
5 burpees
(4 + 10 squats)
1 min rest
15 lateral jumps
10 push press with pvc pipe
1 lap
(4 rounds)

Then after that we went back to the box and did another WOD:
50 DU's
40 deadlifts (95#, back is still hurting me)
30 box jumps 20"
20 pullups
30 box jumps
40 deadlifts
Time: 14:58

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