Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sugar Free Challenge

Ok so I'm going to go ahead and bite the bullet and *try* to go sugar free for 21 days. I am still going to eat fruit, just no artifcial sugars, my agave is going to miss me!!

I knew I wouldnt be able to work out today so I did 2 WOD's last night.  Had some decent pr's too!
10 rounds:

10 deadlift (135#/95#)
10 push ups
*hands never leave the bar or 3 burpee penalty. you must move from deadlifts to push ups with hands on bar, then back to deadlift, or incur a 3 burpee penalty, each time.
Time: 7:15 rx

Then 1000 m row for time 4:16, 10 sec pr

Then Karen, first time rx weight, 8: 49 (min pr from last time in april when I used a 12# ball)

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