Monday, October 25, 2010

Crossfit Beaumont Showdown completed!

So I did my very first crossfit competition on Saturday. It was extremely nerve racking. I literally was shaking on my first Wod. But I finished it! I know that I defiantly need a lot more conditioning before my next one, but at least I can say I completed one!

WOD #1
5 Rounds:
5 Ground To Overhead (135/115 men 75 women)
25 meter Overhead Carry (135/115 men 75 women)
Time: 5:01

WOD #2
Max Clean
Max Pull-Ups
Since I cant do pullups, I could only do the clean, 115#, new pr by 10#'s

WOD #3
Deadlift (225/185 men 135 women)
Kettlebell Swings (53/35 men 35 women)
Time: 10:34

This one was by far the hardest. After the second set of burpees, that went UP in numbers I was dead.

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