Hey Everyone!
For those of you that have been asking how to donate to the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser, here you go! On October 17th, I will be doing the annual Barbells for Boobs Amazing “Grace” fundraiser. The purpose of the event is to raise money for qualified women who need screening and/or diagnostic procedures in the prevention of breast cancer. By supporting Barbells for Boobs, we’re helping low-income and uninsured women get the examinations they need in order to stay cancer free! You can donate directly to their site HERE In the crossfit affiliate tab click on "Crossfit 1525" and in the comments section you can add a note that you are supporting my fundraising efforts if you want to!
Thursday's WOD:
Death by Thruster (mstandard115#/mmod95/wstandard75#/wmod55)
Complete 1 thruster in minute 1, 2 thrusters in minute 2, 3 thrusters in minute 3, an so on, until failure.
You have the entire minute to complete that minute’s work.
Then – rotating through in groups of 4:
3 x 500m row with a <:05 slow down or 2 burpee/second penalty
Thrusters: 7 rounds
Row 2:02/1:58/2:01
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