I was reading Sara Gets Strong: a Crossfit/Paleo Love Affair and came across this:
Do you come in and look at people’s times on the board? Do you then consequently compare yourself to them? I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes do, and to an extent, find it completely natural and motivating— however, it can be equally distressing if you base your athletic satisfaction off of having the best time on that board. Because we all know it’s hard to be the best, and, even when we are, it is never permanent.
Plain and simple: you have to be happy and genuinely impressed with your current capabilities in order to progress. That is, you have to be happy with the athlete that you are now, and you cannot focus on where you stand competitively until you have the intrinsic, positive reinforcement necessary to push yourself farther ahead.
I know I do this everyday, look at peoples times, rarely beat them, but I am always dissatisfied with my performance, not because of my actual performance, but due to the fact that I'm always trying to beat others. Focusing on myself is the only way to better myself.
The WOD's for Crossfit Beaumont's Showdown have been posted, they didnt have enough standard females enter so they combined the standard and scaled. I'm really nervous. Not sure that I can do that many rounds at that weight!
WOD #1
5 Rounds:
5 Ground To Overhead (135/115 men 85 women)
25 meter Overhead Carry (135/115 men 85 women)
WOD #2
Max Clean
Max Pull-Ups
Ok yeah I cant do a single unassisted pullup
WOD #3
Deadlift (225/185 men 135 women)
Kettlebell Swings (53/35 men 35 women)
This one isnt so bad, except for the burpees, but who really likes burpees!
I need to calm myself down, and mentally prepare!
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