Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Turkey Meatballs with Wheat Penne Pasta

We are back on our super health food kick again, so Greg made several dishes to kick start the month of health lol!   I love ground turkey, but it always seems to dry really quickly.  With this dish he mixed the turkey with onions (which I hate) and several secret spices....I say they are secret because I didn't watch him put them in the meat :-)  He made homemade tomato sauce, which consists of whole canned tomatoes, basil, oregeno, bay leaf, and tomato paste, blended up with a stick blender.  He quickly seared the sides of the meatballs and then added them to the boiling sauce to continue cooking.  This should keep them nice and moist!  Cant wait to add them to the pasta tomorrow and have the dish for lunch!

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