Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When in doubt, go forward and go hard

My conditioning workouts continue this week, and let me say I didnt think that I was going to be able to finish yesterday's.  I literally wanted to lie down on the ground and cry.  But I pushed through it, barely, and I am hopefully stronger for it :-)

WOD 1:
Skill: Ring dips 3 x 10

500m row
25 ring push ups
25 wall shots
25 k2e
25 double unders
Time: 8:43

WOD 2:
30 65# thrusters
40 burpees
150 single unders
800 m run
150 single unders
40 burpees
30 thrusters
Time: 27:57

Check out our group pic at

Dont forget to donate for Saturday's workouts, Barbells for Boobs!

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